Culture: Tsule

There is small civilization that resides in an underpopulated area of an Africa like continent on the planet of Tsule. The culture of this civilization is intimate. The people eat only from the land surrounding them. This includes wildlife such as fish, and cattle. A delicacy of this culture is a specific type of plant that only grows during the first month of spring. The people all speak using their hands and various sounds. They can also communicate with neighboring cultures this way because of their ability to portray a common idea with their hands and sounds. It is important to note that this culture does not have a set religion. They believe in just teaching morals of good vs. bad. They have a very logical view of the world. They don’t believe there to be outside forces at play. They survive because they work hard and do their best. This is how their culture thrives. They believe in strong community. So everyone helps each other. There is no such thing as doing one job, everyone learns  how to do a little bit of everything so that no one is ever without work or purpose. The culture although small is constantly busy building, hunting, gathering etc. The people who live here are much like humans although, they have adapted to the climate around them. Their skin has a blue protective layer that cools them and protects them from the blazing hot sun. It is important to note that there is terrible punishment to those who disobey the set of laws in place. Any offender of the law receives the punishment of being left for 3 days in the wild to fend for him or herself with no supplies food or water. They also have scars that they receive with each offense. This allows other people to be weary of them. It makes them less likely to be married as well as it is hard for them to live peacefully within the society. Family structure consists of every man within the tribe. People within the tribe can marry each other within so long as they are not related by blood. There is a very colorful ceremony. It is important to note that this culture does not have gender. They are all people. Gender is irrelevant to their way of life. They live in “Family like” groups. People of this culture who are close will live together and help each other thrive in the surrounding community. Child-making is allowed, but it is purely up to them whether they want to. There isn’t pressure on individuals to reproduce.


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