TINVILLE is a village located within Winkie Country. After the Tin Woodman decided he could not live in the Wicked witches castle because it was far too wet, he discovered this small village that was called Tinville. This small village is located surrounding a lake the locales call the Sea of Oil because oil could be found within it. Housed within this village were the land oz's most talented tinsmiths. Naturally, the Tin Woodman felt right at home.

He now resides within Tinville in his Tin Castle the locales helped him build. He decided he wanted to surround himself in this small village so that the Winkies would feel like they belonged to a community. He wanted to rule them in a way that made them feel needed in society. He wanted to reject all of the prior feelings of terror that the Wicked Witch instilled in the Winkies that resided within Winkie Country.

Within Tinville resides an older Winkie who goes by the name of Nico. Nico is the owner of the scrap yard. He sorts through all of the scrap and sells the finest tin for the people of Winkie Country to use. His only son, Jam, is one of the finest tinsmiths in all the land and he serves the Tin Woodman in helping him rule over the Winkies.


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